Vladislav Stukalov

THM — Brainstorm

Reverse engineer a chat program and write a script to exploit a Windows machine. Reccon vladislav@Mac ~ % nmap -sV -sC -Pn Starting Nmap 7.93 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2022-10-02...

THM — Buffer Overflow Prep

Buffer Overflow Prep Information This room uses a 32-bit Windows 7 VM with Immunity Debugger and Putty preinstalled. Windows Firewall and Defender have both been disabled to make exploit wr...

THM — Buffer Overflows

Learn how to get started with basic Buffer Overflows! Introduction In this room, we aim to explore simple stack buffer overflows(without any mitigations) on x86-64 linux programs. We will u...

THM — Windows Reversing Intro

Introduction to reverse engineering x64 Windows software. Room Overview This room is part of a series of rooms that will introduce you to reverse engineering software on Windows. This is go...

THM — Windows x64 Assembly

Introduction to x64 Assembly on Windows Introduction This room is part of a series of rooms that will introduce you to reverse engineering software on Windows. This room will talk about the...

THM — Internal

Pre-Engagement Briefing You have been assigned to a client that wants a penetration test conducted on an environment due to be released to production in three weeks. Scope of Work The clie...

THM — Relevant

Penetration Testing Challenge Pre-Engagement Briefing You have been assigned to a client that wants a penetration test conducted on an environment due to be released to production in seven ...

THM — Overpass 2 — Hacked

Overpass has been hacked! Can you analyse the attacker's actions and hack back in? Forensics — Analyse the PCAP Overpass has been hacked! The SOC team (Paradox, congratulations on the promo...

THM — Daily Bugle

Compromise a Joomla CMS account via SQLi, practise cracking hashes and escalate your privileges by taking advantage of yum. Reccon First, nmap scan: vladislav@Mac ~ % nmap -sV -sC 10.10.25....

THM — Skynet

Are you able to compromise this Terminator themed machine? Reccon First, nmap scan: vladislav@Mac simpuar.github.io % nmap -sV -sC Starting Nmap 7.93 ( https://nmap.org ) at ...