Vladislav Stukalov

THM — Persisting Active Directory

Learn about common Active Directory persistence techniques that can be used post-compromise to ensure the blue team will not be able to kick you out during a red team exercise. Introduction ...

THM — Exploiting Active Directory

Learn common AD exploitation techniques that can allow you to reach your goal in an AD environment. Introduction AD exploitation Now that we have performed our internal recon and understan...

HSE — Operating Systems Security — Lab 2

Создание пользователей. Права пользователей. ACL. 1. Создание пользователей. Задание паролей. Сброс пароля пользователя Создать две учетные записи пользователей: vlad, alex. Создание ...

THM — Lateral Movement and Pivoting

Learn about common techniques used to move laterally across a Windows network. Introduction In this room, we will look at lateral movement, a group of techniques used by attackers to move a...

HSE — Operating Systems Security — Lab 1

Настройка прав доступа, наследование прав. Аудит файлов. 1. Изменение прав доступа к файлам и каталогам для пользователей Зайти в систему от имени администратора и создать 2-х обычных по...

THM — Enumerating Active Directory

This room covers various Active Directory enumeration techniques, their use cases as well as drawbacks. Why AD Enumeration This network is the continuation of the Breaching AD network. Plea...

THM — Breaching Active Directory

This network covers techniques and tools that can be used to acquire that first set of AD credentials that can then be used to enumerate AD. Introduction to AD Breaches Active Directory (AD...

THM — Active Directory Basics

This room will introduce the basic concepts and functionality provided by Active Directory. Introduction Microsoft’s Active Directory is the backbone of the corporate world. It simplifies t...

THM — Brainpan 1

Reverse engineer a Windows executable, find a buffer overflow and exploit it on a Linux machine. Brainpan is perfect for OSCP practice and has been highly recommended to complete before the ex...

THM — Gatekeeper

Can you get past the gate and through the fire? Reccon Nmap scan for all ports: vladislav@Mac ~ % nmap -p- Starting Nmap 7.93 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2022-10-05 20:29 MSK Nmap ...